At the moment I have the builders round to put in some insulation, which means I have to be in the house to let them in. Yesterday they switched off the gas for a while, which I annoyed me a bit as I wanted to make some mince pies, so I had to find something else to occupy myself.
I've had an idea for a couple of weeks to make a blanket, but each square would represent each year Spence and I have been married. This has now evolved into a Memory Blanket,as I would get too impatient waiting for our next anniversary to knit a square. I managed to create my own pattern and knit the square in one day and I was really pleased with the result.
I do hope that this blanket will grow and be filled with happy memories and that it will be used and cherished by future generations. It will be a picture story telling the life of our little family.
I will update the blog with new squares when I make them, and you can watch the blanket grow :) and hopefully it will encourage you to create your own, whether knitted like mine or maybe even a scrapbook.
That is some clever knitting Mrs Spenceley!